You Ask - I Answer
How long does therapy take?
- This is entirely up to you. One of the premiere principles of SFBT is that your autonomy and agency should be honored at every step. This means that you get to decide how often to come to therapy and for how long. Research shows that SFBT typically works more quickly than other forms of therapy, without compromising any of the positive outcomes. It is likely that therapy could be over after just a few sessions. It is intended that we not meet any longer than you deem to be necessary.
What should I expect from a therapy session?
- You can expect that the session will begin by me asking you about what you are hoping to achieve from attending therapy. The bulk of the therapy work will be aimed at developing a rich description of what this desired outcome will look like, what difference it would make, and the meaning this difference would have for you. You can expect that we will talk about your abilities and capabilities, that we will consistently build meaningful conversations, and hopefully, you can expect to feel inspired to achieve the transformation you are looking for!
How long do I need to be in therapy to feel better?
- This will vary from person to person. However, because SFBT is built on a foundation of hope, it is likely that you will begin to feel better after the very first session.
What kind of therapy do you do?
- I do solution focused brief therapy (SFBT). This therapy focuses on what you want to achieve rather than what problems you are experiencing in your life. It is expected that by focusing on where you would like to go, rather than where you have been, you will begin to recognize the strengths and resources you already have inside you. You will become better able to utilize those abilities to make meaningful changes and to enhance relationships. SFBT has been shown to be as effective as other evidence-based therapy approaches, but often in less time.